Changing Lives

“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.”
~Anne Frank
The Child Development Society (CDS)
The Child Development Society (CDS) was established in 2010, is a non government organisation and is home to 16 children who have lost everything including their parents. There is nothing more heart breaking than losing those you love. These children would be on the street without the assistance of others. The home houses the boys and girls in separate wings enabling them to play, learn and know what a new kind of family can be together. They are very lucky to attend a nearby school which they can walk to. Helping Others Grow is one of the supporters who brings hope and smiles to these children. CDS is dedicated to looking after these children and requires financial assistance to continue to provide shelter, clothing, healthcare, and food. For example to feed 16 growing children requires 15 Bags of Rice per month at a cost of $400 usd. Donations to the Home are collected to aid the children in having as normal a life as can be provided. Your generous donations would be greatly appreciated.

Knit for Nepal
Knit for Nepal is an initiative started by the vivacious Sue Silk from New Zealand an avid supporter of Helping Others Grow. It started with a ‘Beanie for Babies’ and now has women knitting all over the world creating rugs, jumpers, scarves and mittens for those super frosty cold mountain mornings. Knit for Nepal has become a community unto itself bringing knitters together to share stories, food, fun and best of all new found friendships. We are so grateful for the contribution that these women make to the children of Nepal. If interested please reach out to us on the contact page. All knitted items are hand delivered. Perhaps you might like to come to Nepal and be a part of changing lives and distribute this beautiful handiwork yourself?

Cleft Lip Surgery
Sadly in some countries being born with a cleft lip or cleft palate is considered bad luck, a curse, the mark of god. These children will be subjected to a life of ridicule and little chance of finding work or a marriage arrangement. We now know that Cleft Lip Palate CLP are facial and oral malformations that occur very early in pregnancy. It takes as little as 45 minutes for life-changing surgery which can create a bright, beautiful new smile to a waiting child. To date we have funded over 110 transformative surgeries. Families who walked days to reach the local Hospital were not disappointed.


100 Boys in Kashmir needed new winter shoes and the wool poncho coats you see us wearing

The Girls in summer wanted handbags. I was shocked as they didn’t have anything to keep in them. So we supplied combs and hair clips. They also received their first art lesson.

This group of orphans in Kashmir received Teddy Bears and we did some wonderful paintings with them as they had nothing on their walls.