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Tour Nepal – September 2025

The NEXT NEPAL ADVENTURE will be in September 2025.
Join Joanna for a two-week experience of a lifetime visiting their many projects, World Youth International 25th Year Anniversary celebrations, cultural connections, life in the bustle of Kathmandu and country life in the Mountains.
A personal heart felt tour with new friendships.
The Helping Others Grow
Nepal Adventure Tour
Visits to HOG Heaven Projects/Schools
September 2025
with Joanna Giles
Having led this Tour many times, it is said to be a truly heart felt journey into the lives and lifestyles of the many people we have touched.
You will leave honoured, grateful and with an enriched perspective of life and blessed to have been a part of something greater.
Please share with your friends & family. We would like to get an idea of numbers as soon as possible to reserve accommodation (as it is quite a busy time).
Deposits will be required by the end of April & Full Payment by the end of June 2025.
14 Days and 13 Nights in Amazing Nepal
Tour includes*:
Airport Transfers
World Youth International 25th Year Anniversary Celebrations
Visits to HOG Heaven Projects/Schools
City Tours of Kathmandu and Bhaktapur
Temple Visits & The Beautiful Kopan Monastery
Cable Car to Manakamana
2 Day side Trip to Pokhara
Traditional Dinners
Fabulous Shopping
$500 Donation to HOG Heaven Projects
for Meals please see Full Itinerary
Land Content Only – Air Conditioned Rooms and Breakfast
$ 3000 USD – Twin Share per person
$ 400 – Supplement for Single Room
$ Deluxe Room on application
Does Not Include:
Flights & Insurance, Mount Everest Flight, Visa Fees, Alcohol / Some meals, Spending Money
*As would be expected it is sometimes required to change things around dependent on weather or unforeseen circumstances!
Book Now For September 2025
In September 2019 I went on my second trip to Nepal with Joanna because my first trip was such a great experience. This time one of my most moving experiences was attending a concert performed by children, survivors of sexual abuse and mostly girls, who are cared for by a project called Antardristi Nepal. Even though we couldn’t understand the words spoken in Nepali we could definitely get the message their dramatic play and acting portrayed.
On another day we spent many hours participating in World Youth International school’s 20th year celebrations with hundreds of children, plus VIPs, teachers and parents from kindergarten to Year 10; currently being expanded to year 12. It was amazing that, no matter how a few of our tour members tried, we could not identify even one of the 30 young orphans who live on campus at the Sapana Dreaming Centre for Humanity. A great achievement of inclusion. On another day, we travelled to a very remote and poor area, delivered beanies to keep the children warm in the coming winter and footballs and other games to increase their fun. Fitness is no problem as these children walk kilometres up and down the sides of mountains to attend school each day.
My takeaway each time I have visited Nepal is the happiness of the people and their respect for their elders and gratitude for travellers to their country. On this tour as you get to enjoy a wide range of activities in a very safe and fun environment so you can experience for yourself some of their amazing World Heritage sites, food, transport systems as well as a culture that incorporates many different religions and classes of people…including a flight around the amazing Himalayas if that takes your fancy. I have been twice now and loved it both times as you get to really know and share the lives of Nepali people. I recommend you give it a go September 2021!
In 2014 the opportunity came up to join Joanna’s tour of Nepal. I jumped at the chance to go and take my 2 daughters who were 14 and 17. My oldest daughter was in year 12, so taking her out of school just prior to year 12 exams had to be approved by the school principal. I new though the experience was a chance of a lifetime. She was able to write her English paper about her trip, also the trip qualified her to complete her Gold Duke of Edinburgh award. I can honestly say the tour changed all of our lives, and both my daughters have since been back to Nepal, saving their own money to go and connecting back with Joanna’s contacts who kindly helped them arrange their self guided tour.
I have traveled to many 3rd world countries, I never expected to be overwhelmed by the sincerity, love, openness and grace of the Nepalese. They are beautiful people, with a smile on their faces and hearts full of love.
I can totally recommend this tour to anyone. Joanna and her staff are very accommodating and willing to help out wherever needed to make the experience wonderful for all.
So many amazing experiences, its hard to pick the best! Waving my daughters off while they walked into the mountains to stay with a local family, I had never met was beyond my comfort zone, however I knew these beautiful people would look after them, and they did. Washing the elephants is something I will never forget, flying over Mount Everest and seeing the amazing work Joanna and her foundation have done to help the people is something I will cherish forever.
10 out of 10″
This tour absolutely changed my life, I felt very honoured to be a part of the tour and experiencing so many amazing things. It certainly changed my 15 year old sons life as well. Makes you see and appreciate the small moments, where happiness blooms. One of the greatest takeaways was that money and “things” do not define happiness.
I don’t know where to even start with the experiences, there were the beautiful children performing, students singing, elephants been bathed in the river, flying over Mount Everest, just wow.
Do yourself a favour and go with Joanna on this Tour of Nepal, she has many years of experience with Nepal, she is honoured every place you visit, it is like travelling with royalty. People open their homes, their hearts and smiles in the Company of Joanna. She is supported with some wonderful and knowledgeable locals which means you see, experience and learn from the people of Nepal firsthand.
From the moment I hit the ground in Katmandu I knew this was going to be fun and a trip to remember.
For me personally having every detail organised from start to finish was a massive draw
card. Having always planned my own trips into new countries, excursions, accommodation, flights, transport, meals, etc etc etc to have every detail set out and an itinerary of the day to day happenings was wonderful. I started the trip feeling relaxed and excited at the same time knowing all was well in hand.
Most of us were meeting for the 1st time and Joanna ensured we were all feeling supported and she has a way within her that lets you know your going to be ok. Having spent so many years with the Nepalese Joanna’s reach is wide and it is very obvious as we move through Katmandu, into the mountains to the villages she has assisted and to Pokara by bus she is well respected and loved.
The nature of Nepal gives many unexpected moments which add to the adventure. We all took these in our stride and Joanna was sure to keep keep us informed as and if changes occurred. This was the perfect way to see Nepal for the 1st time and guaranteed you would not experience the scope and personal attention we were shown travelling with a tour party or alone. Immersing with the local community in a way that only someone having spent many years nurturing meaningful relationships could do. We as a group were given an intimate peek into the lives of many Nepalese. A real look and not one that is just shown to the public on cue.
I am forever changed and had my eyes opened to a place of beauty. Shown the real life challenges that are being faced and also the resilience, courage and strength of a people who at times their situations seem insurmountable and unfathomable to us here in the west.
Joanna will make your experience one to remember and I will be travelling again with her and the next group in the future. So much fun and friends made within the group and with
the Nepalese. Thank you Joanna.
You are a true blessing to those you encounter and I for one am very happy our paths
crossed. With Kindness and true gratitude for you Joanna
I visited Nepal when I was 11 and it was my first trip to a developing nation. Witnessing the poverty, and a culture that is drastically different to Australia’s culture, was very confronting and eyeopening. It was also inspiring to visit the Sapana Dreaming Home and their school for Nepalese orphans. The trip made me more aware of my privilege, and helped me appreciate how important it is to respect and help those less fortunate, both locally and globally.
Having recently visited the World Youth International (WYI) School in Nepal as part of their 20th anniversary celebrations. I joined Joanna’s Helping Others Grow trip to the country, visiting both the School and the Foundation’s Sapana Dreaming Centre for Humanity where Joanna Giles is the Patreon. The Centre is for orphaned and underprivileged children, and provides 50 children with the opportunity to be cared for and attend the WYI School.
Seeing the devastation caused by the 2015 earthquake and the challenges the children face to access education, healthcare and support was a difficult and emotional experience. Rowe Advisory remain committed to supporting the education of the children in the Nepalese mountain schools that struggle to meet the basic needs to teach these beautiful children.

Join Our Tour
Attn: Joanna Giles
Address: 60 Chavez Ranch Road, Sedona, AZ 86336
Telephone: +1-928-301 2544